Exercise Routine for Wrestlers

The exercise routine for wrestlers aims to serve as a model of physical conditioning for those who are dedicated to boxing, MMA, full contact, karate or other activity related to the fight. We know that for the people who dedicate themselves to these activities it is necessary to make a specific training plan to improve in certain areas to be more lethal on the ring or tatami. Here is the sanabul gi review, this is one of the best gi in the market.

With this routine of exercises for wrestlers, we have tried to base ourselves on a training methodology focused on supersets , since improving cardiovascular endurance is one of the priorities for those who are lovers of the fight.

sanabul gi review

The duration of the exercise routine for wrestlers will be 8 weeks , training 3 days for each of them. Try to fit the days of training with those who practice martial arts to leave at least two days of total rest to recover the body.

As a preliminary recommendation, before starting, we must warm up well with some light trot, hit the bag, jump the rope , dynamic stretching , etc. We must adhere strictly to the superset prescribed below (circuit) and rest times.

Do not waste your time moving from one exercise to another , move quickly from one exercise to another and try to perform each exercise with explosive movements (always with good technique).

review of sanabul gi

The goal here is to be able to build explosive strength and be able to maintain that explosive strength even at low effort with a type of prolonged aerobic training .

Before making the second series marked for each movement, you must finish all the first rounds for each exercise, that is, you will pass from one exercise to another without completing the second series, which we will proceed to start once we have completed the first series of the last exercise.

Advantages of wrestling

Wrestling is a sport with a spectacle, that is, it combines the disciplines of combat and spectacle. The sport consists of hand-to-hand combat, usually divided into two camps for combat, the rough and the technical.

sanabul gi review

Advantages and benefits of wrestling

Practicing wrestling is considered a high risk sport, especially if you do not have the experience and the necessary practice, in addition to adapting and being precise in the acrobatics techniques, however it also has its good side and brings benefits such as:

  • Improve strength.Benefits of wrestling
  • Wrestling serves to highlight the muscles.
  • More flexibility
  • Wrestling serves to improve coordination.
  • Better balance
  • Toning of the body.
  • Improve concentration.
  • Improves self-esteem

Finally, it is recommended to practice with great care and be instructed by an expert, with the objective of not suffering an accident.

Wrestling: A Sport of Honor With Many Benefits On Your Body

Wrestling is a fighting sport developed, managed, and promoted by the French wrestling federation. It is composed of several Olympic disciplines: free wrestling, Greco-Roman wrestling, female wrestling. There are other forms of struggle less practiced such as Japanese wrestling, Turkish wrestling, Nigerian wrestling, Indian wrestling, Swiss wrestling, Togolese wrestling and Scottish wrestling. Wrestling is a hand-to-hand combat in which opponents are measured by hand-to-hand combat. It consists of dropping his opponent to the ground while keeping his two shoulders on the ground. Don’t worry though they all wear Gi’s that are designed to save them from getting hurt.

sanabul gi review

Each year there are many wrestling competitions: World Championship and Continental Championship. This sport is also present at the Olympic Games every 4 years. The best-known style remains the Greco-Roman fight that was the first to feature on the Olympic Games program. The rules of these styles are different:

Greco-Roman wrestling is practiced only on the upper body and remains the best known. Free wrestling is the most practiced style in the world.

Finally, women’s wrestling appeared at the Olympic Games in 2004. This sporting activity is a style of free wrestling that is adapted to the specificities and morphology of women. Some combinations of shots are prohibited so as not to prejudice the physical integrity of women.

review of sanabul gi

A practice with benefits for your body

Like all sports, wrestling will have benefits on your body and your health. The practice of a sport allows you to have a healthy lifestyle, to know yourself better and to know your limits. The fight strengthens the cardiovascular system and your muscles. It improves the physical strength of the practitioner, but also requires optimal physical preparation. You do not become a wrestler overnight. To become a good wrestler it is necessary to train regularly and to have a good physical condition.

Sanabul gi is required in most of the MMA sport. So take a look at sanabul gi review. And have some idea about it.


  • Wrestling outfit
  • Adapted shoes
  • Protections (knee pads, ear protectors)

Some techniques are prohibited:

  • The ground torn
  • The double key of the head: the Liana with the key of head in the opposite direction
  • The back belt flexibly
sanabul gi review


  • Nutrition is essential because this sport is played in weight class
  • Take care of your body
  • Adopt a healthy lifestyle
  • Beware of what you drink, avoid caloric drinks
  • Hydrate yourself often

Sanabul Gi Review 2019

Sanabul is one of the best Mixed Martial Art (MMA) sports company amongst all. Sanabul produces best quality gis at very low price when compared to other brands. Sanabul Gi looks as good as RDX, it’s always unbelievable that they manage to sell all their products at cheap price but with high quality. They never give up their quality, this makes them to stand at the top in the market. Take a look at Sanabul gis or gloves or other products without looking the price, you would think that it is a premium priced product,because their products looks simply amazing. Later you can realize that you get Sanabul stuffs at affordable price.

Sanabul sell all the BJJ/MMA products. Sanabul can offer you lot of product that you really need to take your training/ practice to the next level. Most of their stuffs has similar motif and style. Here we reviewed about the best kids gis, competition gi’s

Best Sanabul Gi’s Reviewed

Sanabul offers more BJJ gi’s, each of them has excellent quality and they stay very satisfying to their customers, Sanabul offers beginner gi’s, kids gi’s, competition gi’s etc. As I said above, Sanabul has endeavoured to satisfy each and every need of their customer.

sanabul gi review
sanabul gi review

Sanabul Essentials v2 Gi

No more shrinkage! The Essentials v.2 is the only ultra lightweight gi on the market that is preshrunk. You do not have to worry about the old criticism about the gi shrink because now you can wash the gi in cold water and hang it dry without the gi getting smaller.
The lightweight fabric is perfect for summer training, competitions or simply if you are in need of a comfortable and lightweight gi. Our unique fabric gi is more durable than other single-weave kimonos. The fabric also have Antimicrobial and Anti Odor treatment that helps to prevent the spread of bacterial infections and suppose if you purposely want your gi to contract, you can wash it with hot water and put it in the dryer.

Competition: Sanabul Essentials v2 Gi

Sanabul claims that they are the only company who offer ultra-light gis that are pre-shrunk. If you have already owned or used a variety of gis for your training then you will know how annoying the shrinkage of gis will be. It’s really hard to expand them right and you often end up with a gi that is shrunk or warped too much. And finally you have to deal with gis that are too big because you do not want to risk shrinking it. And you can’t even rely on colder washes, because sometimes they don’t fully clean the gi.

The Pre-shrunk ultra-light gi is the excellent one from Sanabul. Though it shrunk’s in the hotter washes you’ll be happy that it shrinks in a proportion and are not like the cheap one that shrinks completely and lose their shape and integrity.

 review of sanabul gi

Most of the people love to use the same gi regularly. They have a wardrobe full of gi’s but often they have a favourite one that gets multiple uses and it is constantly washed and dried. And you may have found that after tons of washes, some gi’s get a body odour smell even after washing more than two times. If you had this type of problem before, you will be very happy to hear that Sanabul have used anti-door and anti-microbial treatments which helps to prevent these issues as well as it prevents us from spreading the fungal and bacterial infections. This will become your favorite gi which makes you to feel very comfortable and more confident. This is definitely our favorite Gi from Sanabul. Trust us you’ll love it, if you don’t believe us then read some more about it and do some more digging and you will see that this Gi is the best from Sanabul. Period!

Premium: Sanabul Highlights Professional Competition Gi

When you are buying a gi, It’s impossible to satisfy everyone’s needs with one gi. Everyone has their own requirement when it comes to selecting a new gi for your training, you search for the very unique one and you also go through lots of review by calculating their pros and cons. The most common compromise that you have to make is between the weight and durability. Generally, the heavier and thicker the material, the stronger the gi will be. It doesn’t mean that the ultra-light gi’s are very weak or inferior, but the double-weaves are going to be sturdier which give good life to the gis.

sanabul gi review
sanabul gi review

Sanabul never compromise, with their knowledge and experience they offer lots of advantage to their product,. The Sanabul highlight Professional Competition gi, has created a gi that is very thin and light but strong than any other single weave gi at low-price in the market. Sanabul have given durability and lightness to your product.

This excellent gi is in various colors like white, blue and black and wide range in the size. Each colour and size is 100% IBJJF approved and now ready for competition.

So should you buy the Sanabul Gi?

Yes we would recommend the Sanabul Gi to anyone who wants quality Gi for an affordable price.